#Beat the heat. Yes its summer, am hunting for thirst quenching drinks. I made this water melon cooler with just lime and melon. This is very simple but a refreshing drink. Easy to prepare and really nice to serve.
In my last two post in the beat the heat series i posted the mango cooler and stone apple drink. Am looking forward for many more drinks to bring in this series of Summer dink.
Thus recipe
serves- 4
Preparation time - 10 minutes
- Fresh watermelon - sliced and deseeded
- Salt as per taste
- Ice cubes
- Lime juice- 1 Tsp
- Pump in the watermelon in the blender and blend to puree it.
- Pour in the serving glass.
- Sprinkle salt and add in squeezed lime juice.
- Drop some ice cubes
Sit back , relax and enjoy.. your refreshing watermelon cooler.
By- Sushmita Pandit