
Monday, November 12, 2012


Happy Deepawali to all.
Make jalebis today and celebrate this Deepawali .
Such is the power of Jalebi. watch just love it. Finger Licking, Mouth Watering Garma Garam Jalebiyaan....Whola. As soon as i hear the name jalebi , i start Craving for it.
So i prepared the batter and have kept in refrigerator ,Next time whenever i feel like having it i can prepare it in no time.
For perfect shape, Try preparing jalebi often :-)

Ingredients: Batter
  • 1/2 cup of all Purpose flour
  • oil- 1 tsp
  • Sugar- 1 tsp
  • 1 Tbsp yeast , activated in 2 Tbsp of lukewarm water
  • luke warm water
Sugar syrup:
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
Frying and shaping:
  • plastic cone bottle or any cone
  • Oil for frying
Batter preparation-
mix all the ingredients by adding little amount of luke warm water unless paste kind of consistency is reached.
Let the mixture rise for atleast 30 min to 1 hour
Syrup preparation:
mix the sugar and water , heat until it becomes little thick, keep the heat at low

jalebi Preparation:
once the batter is ready, put the batter in the cone and adjust the nozzle size.
Heat oil in a skillet for deep frying, keep the heat at medium.
make swirling round shapes and fry until golden brown in color
Take out jalebis and put them in warm syrup for like 10 seconds and take them out.

Jalebi is ready to be served : serve it hot and enjoy Deepawali, it tastes awesome :-)

Enjoy and Happy cooking .
By: Sushmita Pandit

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